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Showing posts from August, 2024


WVP Review: From India to Canada

  Hey everyone! I just wanted to share my exciting news - I finally got my Canadian PR visa! It is been quite a journey and I am still pinching myself. So, a bit of background: I have been working as a software engineer for about 4 years at a big multinational company. It was a great learning experience but I have always dreamed of living abroad. That is when I came across WVP during my research. I decided to check out their free counselling session and it was pretty helpful. The counsellor walked me through the whole visa process and patiently answered all my questions. After mulling it over for a few days I decided to go for it and signed up with them. Things moved pretty quickly after that. WVP helped me with the visa application and I even managed to land a job with a good company in Canada - did the interview over Skype if you can believe it! Now, full disclosure - it was not all smooth sailing. My first visa application actually got rejected and I was pretty discouraged.

WVP Review: From India to Canada